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Play with Tom, Angela, Hank and More in My Talking Tom Friends - No Download Needed

My Talking Tom Friends is a free family mobile video game that lets you play with Tom and his friends from the popular virtual pet mobile games. Developed by Outfit7 Limited, this cute pet game is one of the many games in the famous Talking Tom and Friends series, which involves adorable anthropomorphic animal characters. This time, you get to take care of 6 of them simultaneously and even play with them.

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Remarks by the President at Victory 2004 RallySeagate Convention CentreToledo, Ohio 4:30 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Laura and I are so honored so many came out to sayhello. We appreciate it very much. I'm honored -- (applause.) Wethank you for taking time out of your day. I've got something to tellyou. I'm traveling Ohio a lot. I'm asking for the vote, and I'masking for your help. (Applause.) We have a duty in this country tovote. You may have heard, the election is right around the corner.(Laughter.) And I'm asking, you get your friends and neighbors to goto the polls. Make sure our fellow Republicans vote. Make sureindependents vote. Find some discerning Democrats, and there's a lotacross the state of Ohio. (Applause.) And get them headed to thepolls, and remind them, if they want a safer America, a strongerAmerica, and a better America, to put me and Dick Cheney back inoffice. (Applause.) One of the most important reasons why I think you ought to put meback into office is so that Laura is the First Lady for four moreyears. (Applause.) AUDIENCE: Laura! Laura! Laura! THE PRESIDENT: I don't want to offend anybody who is follicallychallenged, but I admit my great Vice President doesn't have thewaviest hair in the race. (Laughter.) The people of Toledo will beproud to know that I didn't pick him because of his hairdo.(Laughter.) I picked him because of his judgment, his experience.He's getting the job done for the American people. (Applause.) I want to thank Senator Mike DeWine for joining us today. I'mproud to call him friend; you're proud to call him Senator.(Applause.) I urge you to put George Voinovich back in the UnitedStates Senate. (Applause.) I want to thank your Governor for joiningus. I want to thank Paul Gillmor, Congressman Paul Gillmor, for beinghere today. (Applause.) I want to thank Betty Montgomery for joiningus. And I want to thank the next congressman from the 9thcongressional district, Larry Kaczala, for joining us. (Applause.) I want to thank the Wil Gravatt Band. I want to thank the AnthonyWayne High Marching Generals for being here. (Applause.) I will tryto keep my speech short so you can get home and do your homework. AUDIENCE: Booo! THE PRESIDENT: I want to thank the grassroots activists. I wantto thank my friend, Bernadette Noy and Tom Noy for their leadership inLucas County. (Applause.) I remember our breakfast. She had meflipping pancakes. (Laughter.) I want to thank those of you who are putting up the signs andmaking the phone calls. I want to thank those of you who are workinglong hours. We're almost there. Election day is almost here. I urgeyou to continue working to turn out that vote. With your help, we'llwin Ohio again, and win a great victory. (Applause.) We've just got four days to go, and the voters have a clear choicebetween two very different candidates and different approaches anddifferent records. You know where I stand. (Applause.) Andsometimes, you even know where my opponent stands. (Laughter.) Weboth have records. I'm proudly running on mine. (Applause.) Myopponent has an interesting idea of how to win friends. During thiscampaign, he's insulted our allies, and he questioned the good work ofour troops in combat. AUDIENCE: Booo! THE PRESIDENT: Earlier today, my opponent even insulted theAmerican people saying, you need to -- quote -- "wake up." AUDIENCE: Booo! THE PRESIDENT: Well, the American people are awake. (Applause.)Their eyes are wide open. They are seeing more clearly every day thecritical choices in this election: the Senator's failedout-of-the-mainstream policies, or my commitment to defend our country,to build our economy, and to uphold our bedrock values. (Applause.) This election comes down to some clear choices -- five clearchoices for America's family. The first clear choice is the mostimportant because it concerns the security of your family. Allprogress on every other issue depends on the safety of our citizens.This will be the first presidential election since September the 11th,2001. Americans will go to the polls in a time of war and ongoingthreats, unlike any we have faced before. The terrorists who killedthousands of innocent people are still dangerous, and they aredetermined. The outcome of this election will set the direction of the waragainst terror. The most solemn duty of the American President is toprotect the American people. (Applause.) If America shows uncertaintyor weakness during these troubling times, the world will drift towardtragedy. This is not going to happen on my watch. (Applause.) Since that terrible morning of September the 11th, we've fought theterrorists across the Earth -- not for pride, not for power, butbecause the lives of our citizens are at stake. Our strategy isclear. We're strengthening the protections for our homeland. We'rereforming our intelligence capabilities. We are transforming theall-volunteer army. There will be no draft. (Applause.) We aredetermined, we are relentless. We are staying on the offensive. We'rechasing the terrorists overseas so we do not have to face them here athome. (Applause.) Because we led, Afghanistan is a free nation and an ally in the waron terror. Pakistan is capturing terrorist leaders. Saudi Arabia ismaking raids and arrests. Because we led, Libya is dismantling itsweapons programs. The army of a free Iraq is fighting for freedom, andmore than three-quarters of al Qaeda's key members and associates havebeen brought to justice. (Applause.) We have led, many have joined,and America and the world are safer. (Applause.) And part of our strategy is to spread liberty and peace. I believein the transformational power of liberty to change societies. I wantyou to remind your sons and daughters what has taken place in arelatively quick period of time in Afghanistan. It wasn't all thatlong ago that young girls could not go to school, or their mothers weretaken into the public square and whipped, and sometimes into a sportsstadium and killed because of the barbaric vision of the Taliban.Because we acted in our self-interest, because we acted to uphold thedoctrine which I laid out that said, if you harbor a terrorist, you'reequally as guilty as the terrorist, millions of people -- (applause) --millions of people in Afghanistan voted in a presidential election.The first voter was a 19-year-old woman. (Applause.) Free societies will be peaceful societies. Free societies willhelp us keep the peace. Iraq is going to have elections in January.Think how far that society has come from the days of mass graves andtorture chambers. Freedom is on the march. I believe everybody yearsto be free. I believe people long for freedom. I believe this. Iunderstand freedom is not America's gift to the world. Freedom is theAlmighty God's gift to each man and woman in this world. (Applause.) A President -- a President must lead with consistency andstrength. In a war, sometimes your tactics change, but not yourprinciples. Americans have seen how I do my job. Even when you mightnot agree with me, you know what I believe, you know where I stand, andyou know where I'm going to lead our nation. (Applause.) On good daysand on bad days, when the polls are up or the polls are down, I amdetermined to protect the American people. (Applause.) And I'll support our troops in harm's way. You know, I want tothank those who wear our nation's uniform. I want to thank --(applause.) I want to thank the military families who sacrifice onbehalf of our nation's freedom. (Applause.) I want to thank theveterans who have set such a great example to those who wear theuniform. (Applause.) And I assure you, we will keep the commitment wehave made. Our troops will have what they need to complete theirmissions. That's why I went to the Congress and asked for $87 billion ofsupplemental funding in September of 2003. And we received greatbipartisan support for this necessary and critical funding. As amatter of fact, the support was so strong that only 12 members of theUnited States Senate voted against the funding, two of whom were myopponent and his running mate. AUDIENCE: Booo! THE PRESIDENT: But let me give you a more -- a more startlingstatistic, one that I would hope you would use as you're gathering upthe vote. Four members of the United States Senate, only four, votedto authorize the use of force and then voted against the fundingnecessary to support our troops in combat. Two of those four were myopponent and his running mate. AUDIENCE: Booo! THE PRESIDENT: So they asked him why he made that vote, and youmight remember this quote. He said, "I actually did vote for the $87billion before I voted against it." Now, look, I haven't spent allthat much time in Toledo, but I doubt I'm going to find many people whotalk that way here in Toledo, Ohio. (Applause.) He has given several answers about why he made the vote. Perhapsthe most revealing was when he said the whole matter was a complicatedmatter. My fellow Americans, there is nothing complicated aboutsupporting our troops in combat. (Applause.) Senator Kerry's record on national security has a far deeperproblem than election-year flip-flopping. On the largest nationalsecurity issues of our time, he has been consistently wrong. WhenRonald Reagan was confronting the Soviet Union at the height of theCold War, Senator Kerry said that President Reagan's policy of peacethrough strength was making America less safe. AUDIENCE: Booo! THE PRESIDENT: Well, history has shown that Senator Kerry waswrong, and President Reagan was right. (Applause.) When former President Bush led a coalition against Saddam Husseinin 1991 because he had invaded Kuwait, Senator Kerry voted against theuse of force to liberate Kuwait. AUDIENCE: Booo! THE PRESIDENT: Well, history has shown that Senator Kerry waswrong and former President Bush was right. (Applause.) In 1994, just one year after the first bombing of the World TradeCenter, Senator Kerry proposed massive cuts in America's intelligencebudget, so massive that even his Massachusetts colleague, Ted Kennedy,opposed them. (Laughter.) History shows that Senator Kerry was wrong-- and let's be fair about it -- Senator Kennedy was right.(Applause.) During the last 20 years in key moments of challenge and decisionfor America, Senator Kerry has chosen the position of weakness andinaction. With that record, he stands in opposition not just to me,but to the great tradition of the Democratic Party. The party ofFranklin Roosevelt, the party of Harry Truman, the party of JohnKennedy is rightly remembered for confidence and resolve in times ofwar and hours of crisis. Senator Kerry has turned his back on "pay anyprice" and "bear any burden," and he's replaced those commitments with"wait and see" and "cut and run." Many Democrats in this country do not recognize their partyanymore. And today, I want to speak to every one of them. If youbelieve that America should lead with strength and purpose andconfidence in our ideals, I would be honored to have your support, andI'm asking for your vote. (Applause.) AUDIENCE: Four more years! Four more years! Four more years! THE PRESIDENT: In this campaign, there are big differences abouthow to protect America's families. One time in our debate, my opponentsaid America must submit to what he calls a global test before wecommit force. AUDIENCE: Booo! THE PRESIDENT: I'm not making that up. (Laughter.) I heard it.(Laughter.) As far as I can tell, that means our country must getpermission before we act in our own defense. As President, I'll alwayswork with friends and allies. I'll always build coalitions. But Iwill never turn over America's national security decisions to leadersof other countries. (Applause.) My opponent says that September the 11th did not change him much atall. And that's clear in his policies. He believes that the war onterror is primarily a law enforcement and intelligence-gatheringoperation. September the 11th changed me. I remember that day when Iwas at Ground Zero on September the 14th, 2001. I'll never forget thesights; I'll never forget the sounds. I remember the workers in hardhats yelling at me at the top of their lungs, "Whatever it takes. Iremember the first responder -- I can't remember if he was afirefighter or a policeman -- who came out of the rubble, and hegrabbed me by the arm and he looked me square in the eye, and he said,"Do not let me down." Ever since that day, I've gotten up everymorning thinking about how to better protect our country. I will neverrelent in defending America, whatever it takes. (Applause.) The second clear choice in this election concerns your familybudget. When I ran for President four years ago, I pledged to lowertaxes for American families. And I kept my word. (Applause.) Wedoubled the child credit to a thousand dollars per child. We want tohelp the moms and dads of America do their duty. We reduced themarriage penalty. We believe the tax code ought to encourage marriage,not penalize marriage. (Applause.) We dropped the lowest bracket to 10percent. We reduced income taxes for everybody who pays taxes. Realafter-tax income is up 10 percent since I've been the President.That's money in your pocket. That's money you can spend. (Applause.) I want you to remind your friends and neighbors that the stockmarket was in serious decline six months prior to my arrival inWashington. And then we had a recession. And we had some corporatescandals. We passed tough laws; we have made it abundantly clear wewill not tolerate dishonesty in the boardrooms of America. (Applause.) The attacks of September the 11th cost us nearly a million jobs inthe three months after that attack. But our economic policies areworking. They have led us back to the path of growth and recovery.Our economy is growing at rates as fast as any in nearly 20 years.We've added 1.9 million new jobs in the last 13 months. Home ownershiprates are at an all-time high. Minorities are owning their home atrates than ever before in our history. (Applause.) Farm income isup. The entrepreneurial spirit is strong in America. Small businessesare flourishing. The national unemployment rate is 5.4 percent. Letme put that in perspective for you. That's lower than the average rateof the 1970s, the 1980s and the 1990s. (Applause.) I know people are still struggling here in Ohio. I understandthat. I've traveled your state a lot; I've spoken to people. But thatdoesn't mean we should get away from pro-growth economic policies.Quite the contrary. We need to keep your taxes low. We need to dosomething about lawsuits. We need to do something about regulatoryreform. To keep this economy going, I will empower our smallbusinesses, our consumers, and American families by keeping the taxeslow. (Applause.) Speaking about taxes, my opponent has got some plans for yourbudget --he's going to take a big chunk out of it. He voted againstthe higher -- the higher child tax credit, and he voted against themarriage penalty relief, he voted against lower taxes. If he'd havehad his way, the average middle-class family would be paying $2,000more a year in taxes. AUDIENCE: Booo! THE PRESIDENT: That's probably not a lot for some of the folks inWashington. It's a lot for the folks in Toledo, Ohio. That means alot to the people in this part of the world. (Applause.) That means alot to the people in this part of the world. That money helps moms anddads. It helps our families. You know, he's been in the United States Senate for 20 years andhe's -- and he's voted to raise taxes 98 times. That's five times forevery year he's been in the Senate. I would call that a predictablepattern -- (laughter) -- a leading indicator. (Laughter.) When asenator does something that often, he really must like it.(Laughter.) And he's proposed $2.2 trillion in new spending -- that istrillion with a "T." That's a lot. That's a lot even for a senatorfrom Massachusetts. (Laughter.) So they asked him how he's going to pay for it. He said, well,he's going to tax the rich. You know, by raising the top two brackets,you're taxing small business creators. Most small businesses pay taxat the individual income tax rate. Seventy percent of new jobs inAmerica are created by small businesses. It makes no sense to tax thejob creators in America. Running up the tax is lousy economic policy.(Applause.) Let me tell you what else is wrong -- and you need to tell this toyour friends and neighbors. He's proposed $2.2 trillion in newspending, but when you raise the top two brackets, you only raisebetween $600 billion and $800 billion. So there's a gap. I would liketo call it a tax gap, a gap between what he's promised and what he canpay. And guess who usually fills the tax gap. AUDIENCE: We do! THE PRESIDENT: You do. The good news is, we're not going to lethim tax you. We're going to carry Ohio and win on November the 2nd.(Applause.) The third clear choice -- the third clear choice in this electioninvolves the quality of life for our families. A good education andquality health care are important to a successful life. As acandidate, I pledged to challenge the soft bigotry of low expectationsby reforming our public schools. I kept my word. (Applause.) Wepassed strong education reforms in Washington. We're increasingspending, particularly for low-income students. But in return forincreased spending, we're now asking whether or not a child can read orwrite and add and subtract. See, we realize -- or we think every childcan learn, and we expect every school to teach. You cannot solve a problem unless you diagnose the problem, and weare diagnosing and solving problems all across America. Our testscores in reading and math are up. We are closing an achievement gapfor minority students all across America, and we're not going to goback to the old days of mediocrity and low expectations in our nation'sschoolrooms. (Applause.) We will continue to work to make sure health care is available andaffordable. We'll make sure health care is available by expandingcommunity health centers so the poor and the indigent can get goodprimary and preventative care in places other than your emergencyrooms. We're going to make sure that children of low-income familiesare subscribed to our health programs. We want to make sure people gethealth care in America that can't afford it. We also want to make sureit's affordable. Most of the uninsured work for small businesses.Small businesses ought to be allowed to join together, to spread risk,so they can buy insurance at the same discount that big companies areable to do. (Applause.) We will expand health savings accounts, which will he


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